Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Getting Ready

Hi Everyone!

This week has been very hectic here in Jordan. We have finals going on for the first semester. I just found out that my teaching load will increase in the spring semester so I'm a little worried.
I am also in the process of sending letters to parents to get their permission for doing an inqiry involving their kids.

My TIP involves using a wiki. I realize the plan I submitted is not as well developed as I'd like it to be, but I look upon it as a work in progress.

My students are really happy when I tell them I have homework too!


David W said...

Fatina A.

I think you've got a very ambitious TIP. I can see that your job as a History teacher involves many goals, not only the teaching of history. Your Blog idea is very interesting and I'm eager to see how the students will react. My question to you, how about including a few interviews with students instead of just survey information. I say this because surveys don't always give very detailed or nuanced information, and some of these students may have difficulty expressing their ideas in writing. What do you think? David W.

Gaoming said...

You have got a very nice proposal. I have two questions/comments.
First, for question 10 in survey 1, you asked “If you answered that you would not like to continue contributing to the wiki, explain why not here”. I would suggest you put question “I enjoyed contributing to the wiki” right before this question so that participants don’t feel a big jump between questions.
Another question is how you would identify students with weaker English.

Fatina said...

Thanks David and Gaoming!
I do plan to conduct interviews and film them. As for the identifying students who are weak in English, that has already been done for me by the EES department (English Enhancement Seminar, ESL seems to have bad connotations here)