Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ETIDP for SR and FA

Click the picture to view!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Web Presence

In 2006 I worked really hard to make a website that I thought would grow with me while I was in the MAET program. What happened was after creating it, I never looked at it again. Although when I applied to my present job, I sent them to my website to get some insight on me. It worked. Within a month, I had gotten a really good offer from them.
I have started 3 different blogs over the years also. This is the only one I really maintain.
I also have a google pages site that ties into my work.
I guess my most active presence on the web would be my wikispaces account. I have 6 different wikis that I use with my students for my various classes.
For me the wikis have been the most fun and rewarding web experience.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The idea that I want to convey in my iImage is that people should look beyond the surface before judging. As a middle eastern woman who wears a head scarf, people tend to either dismiss me as someone unintelligent or look at me as an extremist. I feel there is need to tell people to look beyond the surface to what's inside. Queen Rania of Jordan once said "Don't judge a woman by what's on her head. Judge her by what's in it." I want that to be the caption that goes with my iImage.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Off to Saudi for 2 weeks

Spring break has finally started!
I'm going to Saudi for 2 weeks to pack up my house there. (I also plan to do a lot of shopping!!)
The final touches on my paper should be up by Monday.
Here is what I'm wondering about:
Many students wanted me to go into the Notes page after they posted the notes to edit or tweak them and make sure all the facts are right!
My issue is that I think notes should be purely a student endeavor and that the collaboration should take care of inaccuracies. (From my observations that is mostly true)
Any thoughts?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Video Finally!!!

Ok.. so here is my multimedia presentation for my TIP.
This is a smaller file than my original and I'm still working on getting the bigger file uploaded and sent to David.
Basically it talks about my results through the voices of my students.
Inshallah (Arabic for God willing) I will get this thing to work!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Surprise day off..

The weekend in Jordan is Friday Saturday. This Saturday was parents' day here at King's academy so we had a lot of activities and not much rest. Of course there was not much time to work on my TIP either!
Luckily our headmaster, in his wisdom decided that tomorrow will be a headmaster's day off!!
I will use that time so wisely!!
Here is what I noticed about my TIP:
  • The research I've done has been a great tool in helping me assess myself and my teaching practices.
  • My students have really benefited from this, because the evidence immediately lent itself to real solutions.
  • i have more confidence when I convince teachers that technology is the way to go, since I now have evidence to back it up!

Anyway... as the time for this project winds down.. I am learning a lot and hopefully this is reflected in how I approach things.

Now..I will enjoy that day off..

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fatina Film Maker

I am putting together my audio slide show, but it's turning more into a mini documentary. I have interviewed my students and did a video capture of the wiki and how I use it.
I'm worried that it will end up sounding more like a testimonial. The students genuinely love the wiki and have noticed the difference in their grades and in their concentration in class. I don't know if that's the message I want to convey with my research.
O well, Hopefully this will be done by Saturday!